
A Laravel Pulse card to show outdated composer dependencies

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Outdated Composer Dependencies card for Laravel Pulse

This card will show you outdated Composer dependencies.


Require the package with Composer:

composer require aaronfrancis/pulse-outdated

Register the recorder

Right now, the Composer dependencies will only be checked once per day. To run the checks you must add the OutdatedRecorder to the pulse.php file.

return [
    // ...
    'recorders' => [
+        \AaronFrancis\Pulse\Outdated\Recorders\OutdatedRecorder::class => [],

You also need to be running the pulse:check command.

Add to your dashboard

To add the card to the Pulse dashboard, you must first publish the vendor view.

Then, you can modify the dashboard.blade.php file:

+    <livewire:outdated cols='4' rows='2' />

    <livewire:pulse.servers cols="full" />

    <livewire:pulse.usage cols="4" rows="2" />

    <livewire:pulse.queues cols="4" />

    <livewire:pulse.cache cols="4" />

    <livewire:pulse.slow-queries cols="8" />

    <livewire:pulse.exceptions cols="6" />

    <livewire:pulse.slow-requests cols="6" />

    <livewire:pulse.slow-jobs cols="6" />

    <livewire:pulse.slow-outgoing-requests cols="6" />


That's it!