
A repo containing some of my work for my CECS 622 Simulation and Modeling of Discrete Systems Course

Primary LanguageC#


A repo containing some of my work for my CECS 622 Simulation and Modeling of Discrete Systems Course

Some of the things I've done:

Monte Carlo Pi

This was a method of estimating the value of pi by randomly throwing darts at a circle within a square. This was built using Python, PyQt5, and Matplotlib

1000 Dart Monte Carlo

10000 Dart Monte Carlo

3D Space Pursuit Simulation

This simulation simulated some smart space commanders which chased each other and would destroy the other ship if they were within a specified input α angle and β distance. This was built in the Unity game engine using C#

3D Space Pursuit with Rays

3D Space Pursuit

Inventory Modeling for a Fictional Store

This was a model of a fictional store with various uniform random purchase requests, a Gaussian distribution of customer purchases, and variable inputs allowing the user to visualize the results of the simulation with a line chart and a bar chart; it sure felt like I was an Industrial Engineering major during this project.

Inventory_modeling for a fictional store with PyQt

And much more! Check out the folders above to see the code and corresponding reports of each project!