I built this site using NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, Bootstrap, and a few other goodies.

Here's a screenshot the homepage of my website as of 10/4/2018 10-4-2018 Screenshot of Website

Here's the mobile (iPhone X rendering) screenshot of the homepage of my website as of 11/13/2018 Mobile Website Image 11-13-18

Here's a partial screenshot of the homepage of my website as of 9/19/2018: Screenshot of Website

Here's a screenshot of the homepage of my website as of 11/27/2017 (Note: The "This is me" portion is a gif that draws the words/arrow out): Screenshot of website


  • Increase size of favicon with circular background
  • Optimize index page image of myself in Ghana (it's really large and takes a while to load right now!)
  • Add funny Flappy Bird game of myself (and others) to site
  • Consider converting backend from MongoDB to SQL
  • Add Projects tab with 3D Print Previewer found at: https://codepen.io/akhil_001/pen/zoQdaO
  • Fix margins for mobile/desktop site changes using media queries
  • Handle 500 Internal Server Error for Spelling Bee app
  • Update index page info