A Github respository for Updating the knowledgebase site https://knowledge.9linedefense.com
Go there and check it out!
- All documents are written in Markdown format
- To contribute please request permission to this repository and then make your own pull request
9 Line Defense comes from my personal philosophy of having a layered defense in IT. One of those layers being Knowledge. Knowledge is they key to growth and sharing this knowledge becomes important to our new people coming into IT/Cyber Security. This projects goal is share knowledge in the most efficient method possible. I find that those in the technology space are not as extroverted as those in other fields and we tend to love our guides and subreddits. I put this together to allow for a central repository of guides that can also be taken offline, for instance if you work in the government where Air Gapped Networks are common.
This is by far a personal philosophy of managing teams. No one person can be good at everything however everyone can provide something. I firmly believe that if these 9 Tenants are followed in an IT/Cyber Team than you can not go wrong. This site is embodying the 1st and 2nd of those tenants.
- Smart & Inquisitive Technicians
- Thorough & Often Training
- Competant & Truthful Vendors
- Ambition
- Configuration Management
- Right tools for the Job
- Plan for the Worst
- Lifecycle Management
- Scoped Teams