Welcome to the coding part of today's workshop! Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to build a proof-of-concept chat app that actually works. By the end of the day, we should all have an app we can use to chat with each other.
This README will not self-destruct at the end of this message, but the Firebase project I set up for us all to share will probably not be available forever. I have no intention of removing this repository, though, so you can always come back later to continue your React Native learning.
We'll get started by creating the project using the quick start guide in the official React Native docs.
npm install -g create-react-native-app
create-react-native-app YetAnotherChatApp
#drink coffee
cd YetAnotherChatApp
npm start
Once we've all created the project, we'll take a tour of what just happened, how it works, and what we can do with it. Then we'll get started building our app!
Don't worry about styling yet - let's just get some components on the screen to get a feel for how this works. Let's aim for a screen that looks something like this:
Having just one screen in an app is kind of boring. Navigation is how we move users from one screen to another, and is a somewhat confusing topic in the React Native ecosystem. First let's pause to talk about the different options we have, and then we'll go ahead and use the solution that is easiest to get started with.
Want to try something even better1? See the bonus round at the bottom of this document.
1 Yes, I know that's a subjective opinion. Deal with it. 🤪
npm install --save react-navigation
Check out the official docs of React Navigation to learn how to another screen, and navigate to it when the user taps the button. Pass the values of the text inputs to the new screen and render them there to make sure your navigation is wired correctly.
Here's where things get serious. We'll want to connect to our datastore (Firebase), subscribe to a list of messages that notifies us whenever there's a new message, and render the messages in a list on the screen. We'll also need an input at the bottom of the screen to allow users to send messages. First let's install some dependencies:
npm install --save firebase lodash
To save you time, I've created a quick-and-dirty service for handling the Firebase connections so you don't have to bother with learning the Firebase API if you're not familiar with it. You can just copy the code in message-service.js into your app.
Note: if you ever actually have to work with Firebase to build a chat service, DO NOT EVEN THINK of using code that looks like this in production. It's buggy, has terrible performance, and a host of other problems. For a better example of a facade on top of firebase, check out the code we actually use in production to handle hundreds of thousands of messages every day.
How about we make it less ugly?
You don't need to be a designer to be able to come up with something better than what we have.
Get creative, and try to follow best-practices by using StyleSheet
s instead of inline styles.
Animations in React Native are harder than they are on the web, but they're not impossible. First we'll pause to listen to some grumpy old guy (me) tell war stories about challenges he faced with proper animations in a chat screen (with demonstration), and then we'll take some time to try to animate our own app a bit.
So...what do you think? A quick group discussion where we all get to share any insights, thoughts, perspectives, or questions we came up with throughout the day.
When I was in school, every class had that kid who just had to be smarter than everyone else. If you're that kid, this one's for you. If it's only 14:00 and you finished all the tasks the rest of us are struggling with, try this:
- Eject from Expo and use native components like React Native Navigation
- Performance work: how far can you push our messages list before it chokes on performance? And when it does, what do you need to do to fix the problem? Hint: how often are components rendering? Are they rendering unnecessarily? Check out https://github.com/maicki/why-did-you-update.