
Google Ads API Client Library for Node.js

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Google Ads API

Unofficial Google Ads API client library for Node.js


  • Simple and easy to use API
  • Uses gRPC and Protocol Buffers internally (recommended by Google)
  • Typescript definitions for all resources, enums, errors and services
  • Provides all API functionality

The Google Ads API is the new replacement to the AdWords API. Google will deprecate the AdWords API sometime in 2020.


npm install google-ads-api


Note: Our documentation site is currently outdated (an older version of this library and the Google Ads API) but is still up. We're working on updating these docs soon.

For now we recommend following the usage examples below.


Create a client

import { GoogleAdsApi } from "google-ads-api";

const client = new GoogleAdsApi({
  client_id: "<CLIENT-ID>",
  client_secret: "<CLIENT-SECRET>",
  developer_token: "<DEVELOPER-TOKEN>",

Create a customer instance

const customer = client.Customer({
  customer_id: "1234567890",
  refresh_token: "<REFRESH-TOKEN>",

// Also supports login & linked customer ids
const customer = client.Customer({
  customer_id: "1234567890",
  login_customer_id: "<LOGIN-CUSTOMER-ID>",
  linked_customer_id: "<LINKED-CUSTOMER-ID>",
  refresh_token: "<REFRESH-TOKEN>",

List accessible customers

This is a special client method for listing the accessible customers for a given refresh token, and is equivalent to CustomerService.listAccessibleCustomers. It returns the resource names of available customer accounts.

const client = new GoogleAdsApi({
  client_id: "<CLIENT-ID>",
  client_secret: "<CLIENT-SECRET>",
  developer_token: "<DEVELOPER-TOKEN>",

const refreshToken = "<REFRESH-TOKEN">

const customers = await client.listAccessibleCustomers(refreshToken);

Retrieve Campaigns with metrics

import { enums } from "google-ads-api";

const campaigns = await customer.report({
  entity: "campaign",
  attributes: [
  metrics: [
  constraints: {
    "campaign.status": enums.CampaignStatus.ENABLED,
  limit: 20,

Retrieve Campaigns using GAQL

If you prefer to use the Google Ads Query Language (GAQL) the query method is available. Internally report uses this function. More GAQL examples can be found here.

const campaigns = await customer.query(`
    campaign.status = "ENABLED"
  LIMIT 20

Retrieve Ad Group metrics by date

import { enums } from "google-ads-api";

const campaigns = await customer.report({
  entity: "ad_group",
  metrics: [
  segments: ["segments.date"],
  from_date: "2021-01-01",
  to_date: "2021-02-01",

Retrieve Keywords with streaming

Streaming is useful when you're dealing with >10k rows, as this is the page size for results.

import { enums } from "google-ads-api";

const stream = customer.reportStream({
  entity: "ad_group_criterion",
  attributes: [
  constraints: {
    "ad_group_criterion.type": enums.CriterionType.KEYWORD,

// Rows are streamed in one by one
for await (const row of stream) {
    // Break the loop to stop streaming
    if(someLogic) {

Create an expanded text ad

import { resources, enums, ResourceNames } from "google-ads-api";

const ad = new resources.Ad({
  expanded_text_ad: {
    headline_part1: "Cruise to Mars",
    headline_part2: "Best Space Cruise Line",
    description: "Buy your tickets now!",
    path1: "cruises",
    path2: "mars",
  final_urls: ["https://example.com"],
  type: enums.AdType.EXPANDED_TEXT_AD,

const adGroup = ResourceNames.adGroup(cus.credentials.customerId, "123");

const adGroupAd = new resources.AdGroupAd({
  status: enums.AdGroupAdStatus.PAUSED,

// Returns an array of newly created resource names if successful
const { results } = await cus.adGroupAds.create([adGroupAd]);

Summary Row

If a summary row is requested in the report method, it will be included as the first row of the results.

const [summaryRow, ...response] = await customer.report({
  entity: "campaign",
  metrics: ["metrics.clicks", "metrics.all_conversions"],
  summary_row_setting: enums.SummaryRowSetting.SUMMARY_ROW_WITH_RESULTS,

If a summery row is requested in the reportStream method, it will be included as the final iterated row of the results.

const stream = customer.reportStream({
  entity: "campaign",
  metrics: ["metrics.clicks", "metrics.all_conversions"],
  summary_row_setting: enums.SummaryRowSetting.SUMMARY_ROW_WITH_RESULTS,

const accumulator = [];
for await (const row of stream) {

const summaryRow = accumulator.slice(-1)[0];

Total Results Count

The reportCount method acts like report but returns the total number of rows that the query would have returned (ignoring the limit). This replaces the return_total_results_count report option.

const totalRows = await customer.reportCount({
  entity: "search_term_view",
  attributes: ["search_term_view.resource_name"],

Resource Names

The library provides a set of helper methods under the ResourceNames export. These are used for compiling resource names from ids. Arguments can be of the type string, number, or a mix of both. If you have a client.Customer instance available, you can get the customer id with customer.credentials.customerId.

import { ResourceNames } from "google-ads-api";

const customerId = "1234567890";
const campaignId = "3218318373";

ResourceNames.campaign(customerId, campaignId);
// "customers/1234567890/campaigns/3218318373"

ResourceNames.adGroup(123, 123);
// "customers/123/adGroups/123"

ResourceNames.adGroupAd("1", "2", "3");
// "customers/1/adGroupAds/2~3"

const amsterdamLocationId = 1010543;
// "geoTargetConstants/1010543"

ResourceNames.accountBudget(customer.credentials.customer_id, 123);
// "customers/1234567890/accountBudgets/123"


The library provides hooks that can be executed before, after or on error of a query or a mutation. Query hooks have access to the gaql query and the reportOptions, while mutation hooks have access to the mutations.

const customer = client.Customer({
  hooks: {
    onQueryStart({ credentials, query, reportOptions, cancel, editOptions }) {
      if (reportOptions.entity === "campaign") {
        cancel([]); // cancels the query and returns the given argument
      if (env.mode === "dev") {
        editOptions({ validate_only: true }); // edits the request options
    onQueryError({ credentials, query, reportOptions, error }) {
    onQueryEnd({ credentials, query, reportOptions, response, resolve }) {
      resolve(response.slice(0, 5)); // resolves the query with the given argument
    onMutationStart({ credentials, mutations, cancel }) {
      if (mutations.length === 0) {
        cancel({}); // cancels the mutation and returns the given argument
      if (env.mode === "dev") {
        editOptions({ validate_only: true }); // edits the mutate options
    onMutationError({ credentials, mutations, error }) {
    onMutationEnd({ credentials, mutations, response, resolve }) {
      if (reponse.partial_failure_error) {
        resolve({}); // resolves the mutation with the given argument