ArbitraryPromise is a simple Promise library that allows you to make your own arbitrarily named resolve/then functions.
Go with a classic:
import ArbitraryPromise from 'arbitrary-promise'
const promise = new ArbitraryPromise([['resolve', 'then']])
-> Mathematical!
Or, spice it up with what this library provides, customization!
import ArbitraryPromise from 'arbitrary-promise'
const promise = new ArbitraryPromise([['handleData', 'onData']])
promise.handleData('Whoa! Algebraic!')
-> Whoa! Algebraic!
Of course, the promise will also work in reverse order, it being a promise and all:
import ArbitraryPromise from 'arbitrary-promise'
const promise = new ArbitraryPromise([['handleData', 'onData']])
promise.handleData('Whoa! Algebraic!')
-> Whoa! Algebraic!
Unless, that is, you don't want it to:
import ArbitraryPromise from 'arbitrary-promise'
const promise = new ArbitraryPromise([['handleData', 'onData']], false)
promise.handleData('Whoa! Algebraic!')
-> Zilch.
Check out the tests for all the info, of which there is not much more than what you already know :)