demokit quickly and easily creates fully configured demo environments in the cloud (AWS today). It will create a VPC, launch instances, configure security groups, install software, configure settings and populate with demo data. You can also easily shut down instances and restart them to minimize costs.
demokit is built on Ansible and the current demo focus is Docker Enterprise Edition.
demokit is a container-based tool and doesn't require installation. You will need:
- Docker
- AWS credentials (IAM user with access key and permissions for EC2, VPC and Route53)
- Hosted Zone in Route53
docker run demokit/demokit
demokit will ask for:
- AWS access key ID
- AWS secret access key
- AWS region
- Domain name (for your Hosted Zone)
Before running any demos, you will need to configure your AWS environment:
demokit aws config
The command above will create a AWS keypair, VPC and Let's Encrypt certificates.
To launch a Docker EE demo environment:
demokit ee install
To launch a SSH into an instance:
demokit ssh ucp1
To remove the demo instances:
demokit ee terminate
You can shutdown the instances to reduce costs
demokit ee stop
And start them back up quickly:
demokit ee start
If you want to add Windows nodes:
demokit ee windows
In your demokit settings directory, ~/demokit/settings, you can edit the YAML config files to customize the demo to your needs.