SweetCardScanner is a fast and simple Card Scanner library written in Swift, based on CreditCardScanner and Reg libraries by @yhkaplan so that users can pay much more easily by capturing their credit/debit card with the rear camera.
- iOS 13.0+ (due to SwiftUI, Vision Framework)
- Tested on iOS 14.1 with iPhone X
In Xcode, add the URL of this repository in SwiftPM:
- Add
for Camera Useage Description. import SweetCardScanner
on top of theContentView.swift
.- Now, you can use like
orSweetCardScanner(wordsToSkip: Array<String>?, invalidNames: Array<String>?)
inside of the body. - With
wordsToSkip: Array<String>?
, you can add some words "in lowercase" to try to skip in recognition to improve the performance like bank names, such as "td", "td banks", "cibc", and so on. - The default value of
is["mastercard", "jcb", "visa", "express", "bank", "card", "platinum", "reward"]
- With
invalidNames: Array<String>?
, you can try to add some words "in lowercase" for invalid names, such as "thru", "authorized", "signature". - The default value of
invalidNames: Array<String>?
is["expiration", "valid", "since", "from", "until", "month", "year"]
- Also, you can use completion clousures, such as
right afterSweetCardScanner()
like below. - If you want to turn off the camera when you move to the result view, you will need to use your own customized navigation status trick. (Check the example below)
var body: some View {
You can add some words "in lowercase" to try to skip in recognition to improve the performance like bank names,
such as "td", "td banks", "cibc", and so on.
Also you can try to add some words "in lowercase" for invalid names, such as "thru", "authorized", "signature".
Or you can just simply usw liek "SweetCardScanner()"
wordsToSkip: ["td", "td bank", "cibc"],
invalidNames: ["thru", "authorized", "signature"]
.onDismiss {
// Do something when the view dismissed.
.onError { error in
// The 'error' above gives you 'CreditCardScannerError' struct below.
.onSuccess { card in
// The card above gives you 'CreditCard' struct below.
public struct CreditCardScannerError: LocalizedError {
public enum Kind { case cameraSetup, photoProcessing, authorizationDenied, capture }
public var kind: Kind
public var underlyingError: Error?
public var errorDescription: String? { (underlyingError as? LocalizedError)?.errorDescription }
public struct CreditCard {
public var number: String?
public var name: String?
public var expireDate: DateComponents?
public var year: Int { expireDate?.year ?? 0 } // This returns "yyyy"
public var month: Int { expireDate?.month ?? 0 } // This returns "MM"
CardVender below returns an element of an enum:
Unknown, Amex, Visa, MasterCard, Diners, Discover, JCB, Elo, Hipercard, UnionPay
public var vendor: CardVendor { CreditCardUtil.getVendor(candidate: self.number) }
public var isNotExpired: Bool? { CreditCardUtil.isValid(candidate: self.expireDate) }
public enum CardVendor: String {
case Unknown, Amex, Visa, MasterCard, Diners, Discover, JCB, Elo, Hipercard, UnionPay
You can customize your own view with SweetCardScanner, and SwiftUI like below.
// ContentView.swift
import SwiftUI
import SweetCardScanner
struct ContentView: View {
@State var navigationStatus: NavigationStatus? = .ready
@State var card: CreditCard?
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
GeometryReader { geometry in
ZStack {
destination: ResultView(card: card)
.onDisappear {
You will be able to turn on the camera again
when you come back to this view from the result view
by changing your own customized navigation status.
self.navigationStatus = .ready
tag: NavigationStatus.pop,
selection: $navigationStatus) {
You will be able to turn off the camera when you move to the result view
with the `if` statement below.
if navigationStatus == .ready {
You can add some words "in lowercase" to try to skip in recognition to improve the performance like bank names,
such as "td", "td banks", "cibc", and so on.
Also you can try to add some words "in lowercase" for invalid names, such as "thru", "authorized", "signature".
Or you can just simply usw liek "SweetCardScanner()"
wordsToSkip: ["td", "td bank", "cibc"],
invalidNames: ["thru", "authorized", "signature"]
.onError { err in
.onSuccess { card in
self.card = card
self.navigationStatus = .pop
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 16)
.frame(width: geometry.size.width, height: geometry.size.width * 0.63, alignment: .center)
} //: ZSTACK
// MARK: - NavigationStatus
enum NavigationStatus {
case ready, pop
// ResultView.swift
import SwiftUI
import struct SweetCardScanner.CreditCard
struct ResultView: View {
let card: CreditCard?
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Card Holder Name: \(card?.name ?? "N/A")")
Text("Number: \(card?.number ?? "N/A")")
Text("Expire Year: \(String(card?.year ?? 00))")
Text("Expire Month: \(String(card?.month ?? 00))")
Text("Card Vendor: \(card?.vendor.rawValue ?? "Unknown")")
if let isNotExpired = card?.isNotExpired {
isNotExpired ? Text("Expired: Not Expired") : Text("Expired: Expired")
Licensed under MIT license.