
cushLEPOR submission to WMT2021 Metric Shared Task

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cushLEPOR: Customised hLEPOR Using LABSE Distilled Knowledge Model to Improve Agreement with Human Judgements

cushLEPOR submission to WMT2021 Metric Shared Task, and MTsummit2021 presentation: place holder for the data to be shared.

##News: cushLEPOR(LM) achieved cluster-1 winner ranking in WMT21 on the Chinese-to-English and English-to-German News and TED domain (Tables 8, 12 and 23 in finding paper, ref: http://www.statmt.org/wmt21/pdf/2021.wmt-1.73.pdf). In addition, hLEPOR using default parameter setting achieved cluster-1 winner ranking on English-to-Russian (on TED domain, Table 25 in finding paper), as in WMT13(Table-3: findings paper http://www.statmt.org/wmt13/pdf/WMT02.pdf). (Take-away: If you do en->de and zh->en MT, or en->ru, our metric cushLEPOR and hLEPOR will be one of your alternative choices whenever BLEU fails to indicates your model improvement! poster 67 in WMT21)

Download our data submitted to WMT21: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jEtJZFJw9NqNgaZ6EGAjqW4JbM8Uag5V?usp=sharing

The idea behind: take advantage of huge language models, but use a light weight fasion; also use human evaluation labled scores, tune the automatic metric. overall: towards high quality human level eval via auto-metric using distilled knowledge models!

cushLEPOR(LM): tuned version using language model LaBSE (Language-agnostic BERT Sentence Embedding) by Feng et al (2020).

cushLEPOR(pSQM): tuned version using human professional annotated score labels (Scalar Quality Metric ) using WMT20 data by Freitag et al (2021).

  • readily tuned cushLEPOR for en-de: the parameter setting;

  • readily tuned cushLEPOR for zh-en: the parameter setting;

  • cushLEPOR automatic tuned parameter discription paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.09484 or http://www.statmt.org/wmt21/pdf/2021.wmt-1.109.pdf

  • our implementing tool: Python ported hLEPOR (https://pypi.org/project/hLepor/)

  • Original hLEPOR algorithm interpretation paper including mannually tuned/suggested parameter set per lang https://aclanthology.org/W13-2253/

  • dependent human label data: WMT20-MQM/pSQM ( the original link https://github.com/google/wmt-mqm-human-evaluation)

  • dependent LM: LaBSE (the original LaBSE link: https://github.com/bojone/labse)

  • dependent parameter tuning framwork: Optuna https://optuna.org/

  • presenation in MT summit 2021 slide: included in the uplodaded files in this repository.

    Gleb Erofeev, Irina Sorokina, Lifeng Han, and Serge Gladkoff. 2021. cushLEPOR uses LABSE distilled knowledge to improve correlation with human translation evaluations. In Proceedings for the MT summit - User Track (In Press), online. Association for Computa- tional Linguistics & AMTA. https://pypi.org/project/hLepor/

    Forthcoming ''cushLEPOR: customising hLEPOR metric using Optuna for higher agreement with human judgments or pre-trained language model LaBSE". Lifeng Han and Irina Sorokina and Gleb Erofeev and Serge Gladkoff. 2021. In Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Machine Translation (WMT), pages 1019–1028.

@inproceedings{cushLEPOR21MTsummit, title = "cushLEPOR uses LABSE distilled knowledge to improve correlation with human translation evaluations", author = "Gleb Erofeev and Irina Sorokina and Lifeng Han and Serge Gladkoff ", booktitle = "Proceedings for the MT summit - User Track (In Press)", month = August, year = "2021", address = "online", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics & AMTA", url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/" }

@ inproceedings{Han2021CushLEPORCH, title={cushLEPOR: customising hLEPOR metric using Optuna for higher agreement with human judgments or pre-trained language model LaBSE}, author={Lifeng Han and I. Sorokina and Gleb Erofeev and S. Gladkoff}, booktitle ={Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Machine Translation (WMT2021)}, year={2021} }

  • further readings: MT evaluation survey covering most auto metrics and human eval, as well as Quality Estimation without using translation references: https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.03311

  • Contact: lifeng.han[a-t]adaptcentre.ie & serge.gladkoff[a-t]logrusglobal.com

  • Institutes and orgnization: ADAPT reserach Centre (adaptcentre.ie) & Logrus Global (https://logrusglobal.com/)