
University of Washington Server-Side Programming in Go lang, NodeJS microservices, Docker Containerization, and Digital Ocean Hosting

Primary LanguageGo

INFO 344 Challenges

This repo was created for you by GitHub Classroom. DO NOT FORK THIS REPO INTO YOUR OWN ACCOUNT! It is already private. Only you and the teaching team can see the code in this repo. Please make all of your commits to branches in this repo.

Clone this repo to your development machine. For each challenge, check out the branch listed in the Canvas assignment description. Make all commits for a given challenge only to that challenge branch, and push that branch up to GitHub.

When you are finished with challenge, create a GitHub Pull Request, asking to merge all commits from your challenge branch back into the master branch. We will use that pull request to provide detailed inline feedback on your code.

Note that you can still add commits to the branch after you create the pull request, and those new commits will be automatically added to the pull request as long as it's still open.