
Responsive sidebar and header using only CSS

Primary LanguageCSS

Responsive Side Bar

This attempts to be a working example of a realistic sidebar navigation panel without relying on any specifc framework.

It applies a simple header element with left sidebar and centre content region. Reasonably standard starting point for many dashboards and SPA applications.

Example of the sidebar showing vertical scrollbar


The basic grid structure was generated at https://layout.bradwoods.io/ with the foundation for the sidebar borrowing heavily from CodingNepal's Responsive Side Navigation Bar in HTML CSS & JavaScript blog post dated April 14 2021.

The CodingNepal example has been extended to work inside the fixed left sidebar. With the following modifications:

  • Added custom vertical scroll bar to the link region
  • Auto resize the sidebar based on screen width and maintain the user's preference during window resizing if they had manually closed the sidebar.

The sidebar and it's internal scroll behaviour has been made to work in the same fashion as the sidebar in Azure Dev Ops.


To make the scrollbar hide when the sidebar is collapsed it does require a browser that supports Webkit (see Roadmap).


  • Collapse the left sidebar into a 'hambuger' button in the header at very smaller screen widths.
  • Add alternative support for browsers that don't support Webkit.
