ANBlurredTableView is a simple UITableView subclass for blurring and tinting a background image on scroll.
- Blur-out on scroll down, blur-in on scroll up.
- Custom tint color.
- Animating between two different alphas (as seen in gif).
- Variable lengths for scrolling.
Follow me on Twitter at @aaronykng for more cocoa classes, apps and more!
Add QuartzCore.framework and Accelerate.framework to your project. Drag the following files into your project:
Tweak the following properties to customize your ANBlurredTableView.
// Our tint color. If one isn't specified, it'll default to clear. We call this blurTintColor to avoid collisions with iOS's own tintColor.
@property (strong) UIColor *blurTintColor;
// Animates the tint opacity from the startOpacity to endOpacity.
@property (assign) BOOL animateTintAlpha;
// The opacity to start animating at. Only is used if animateOpacity is True.
@property (assign) CGFloat startTintAlpha;
//The opacity to end animating at. Only used if animateOpacity is True
@property (assign) CGFloat endTintAlpha;
// A CGFloat of how many seconds total it should take to animate our blur in, if animateOnLoad is YES.
@property (assign) CGFloat animationDuration;
// Our default number of frames. Make larger with a higher rounding value to make the scroll last longer.
// Defaults to 20.
@property (assign) NSInteger framesCount;
//Our default rounding value. Make larger to make the scroll last longer. Needs an adequate # of frames.
//Defaults to 8.0 (Magic number!)
@property (assign) CGFloat roundingValue;
//Our default compression quality. Set to higher if it's negatively impacting your background quality.
@property (assign) CGFloat compressionQuality;
Check out the header files for a more detailed look at each property.
After setting each property, simply set the background image:
[_tableView setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"beach.jpg"];
ANBlurredTableView will take care of the rest in the background once the image has been set.
On slower devices, ANBlurredTableView will blur-in once everything is finished rendering.
The demo shows an ANBlurredTableView that blurs-in and out from a dark grey with an alpha of 0.35 to an alpha of 0.75 as you scroll down. If you're on a slower device, you may see the blur animate-in to your current contentOffset when rendering completes.
Consider setting animateTintAlpha to NO, or changing the blurTintColor to test out various features in ANBlurredTableView.
- Cocoapods
- Considering a method for changing the background image after one has already loaded. Should pre-render in the background before swapping out.
- Shrink the gif to <4MB.
The image box blur algorithm is from IndieAmbitions Blog. UIImage category is modified from ios-relatimeblur.
Follow me on Twitter at @aaronykng.
Do whatever you’d like. I’d really appreciate it if you mentioned me and link back if you use this in a project though!