
Setup script for Regon-ng

Primary LanguagePython


Recon-ng and Alt-DNS are awesome. This script combines the power of these tools with the ability to run multiple domains within the same session.

TLDR; I just want to do my subdomain discovery via ONE command and be done with it.

Only 1 module needs an api key (/api/google_site) find instructions for that on the recon-ng wiki.

Script to enumerate subdomains, leveraging recon-ng. Uses google scraping, bing scraping, baidu scraping, yahoo scraping, netcraft, and bruteforces to find subdomains. Plus resolves to IP.

Quick install and use

We will set this up using the script from https://github.com/aaronott/domain/blob/master/setup_enumall.sh. Do a quick review of that script before running it blindly. We make a quick change to the URL of the wordlist prior to running.

  1. wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aaronott/domain/master/setup_enumall.sh && bash setup_enumall.sh

  2. follow the instructions for the configure the virtual env

[+] configure the virtual env
[+] execute the following command
    cd <path>; mkvirtualenv enumall; pip install -r recon-ng/REQUIREMENTS; pip install -r altdns/requirements.txt
  1. Run the command: domain/enumall.py domain1.com -w sortedcombined-knock-dnsrecon-fierce-reconng.txt

  2. Profit

Slower step-by-step install instructions


Installation recon-ng from Source

  1. Clone the Recon-ng repository

    git clone https://LaNMaSteR53@bitbucket.org/LaNMaSteR53/recon-ng.git

  2. Change into the Recon-ng directory.

    cd recon-ng

  3. Install dependencies.

    pip install -r REQUIREMENTS

  4. Eventually link the installation directory to /usr/share/recon-ng

    ln -s /$recon-ng_path /usr/share/recon-ng

  5. Optionally (highly recommended) download:

  6. Create config.py file and specify the path to recon-ng and allDNS as it showed in config_sample.py

Basic Usage

./enumall.py domain.com

also supports:

  • -w to run a custom wordlist with recon-ng
  • -a to use alt-dns
  • -p to feed a custom permutations list to alt-dns (requires -a flag)
  • -i to feed a list of domains (can also type extra domains into the original command)

Advanced Usage

./enumall.py domain1.com domain2.com domain3.com -i domainlist.txt -a -p permutationslist.txt -w wordlist.com

Output from recon-ng will be in .lst and .csv files, output from alt-dns will be in a .txt file

by @jhaddix and @leifdreizler