
Welcome to Chauffeur, deliverying changes to your Umbraco environment in style.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build type Status NuGet Code Coverage
master Build Status NuGet Badge codecov
dev Build Status NuGet Badge

Welcome to Chauffeur, delivering changes to your Umbraco environment in style.

Who is Chauffeur?

Chauffeur is a CLI for Umbraco, it will sit with your Umbraco websites bin folder and give you an interface to which you can execute commands, known as Deliverables, against your installed Umbraco instance.

Chauffeur is developed for Umbraco 7.x as it is designed around the new Umbraco API.

Getting Started

To get started install Chauffeur and open up a command window and launch Chauffeur.Runner.exe, which is the entry point for Chauffeur. From the prompt you can get started running deliverables.

Running Demo

The easiest way to run the demo application is to execute the run-demo.ps1 script from the root. This will:

  • Compile
  • Install the demo website using Chauffeur
  • Start IIS Express for the demo website


Chauffeur is licensed under MIT.

Chauffeur Logo is from Ed Piel used under Creative Commons from The Noun Project