
Chauffeur not adding new crop sizes when updating a data type deriving from Umbraco.ImageCropper.

WillRay opened this issue · 4 comments

Chauffeur doesn't seem to be adding new crop sizes from exported packages.

In the example below, "relatedPost" and "postHeader" were the new sizes to be added.

Delivery file

p 005-ArticulateCropper


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
  <files />
    <!-- info omitted-->
  <DocumentTypes />
  <Templates />
  <Stylesheets />
  <Macros />
  <DictionaryItems />
  <Languages />
    <DataType Name="Articulate Cropper" Id="Umbraco.ImageCropper" Definition="c8f535ee-27b8-4d16-940d-d6c523851bb1" DatabaseType="Ntext">
        <PreValue Id="71" Value="[&#xD;&#xA;  {&#xD;&#xA;    &quot;alias&quot;: &quot;blogPost&quot;,&#xD;&#xA;    &quot;width&quot;: 200,&#xD;&#xA;    &quot;height&quot;: 200&#xD;&#xA;  },&#xD;&#xA;  {&#xD;&#xA;    &quot;alias&quot;: &quot;thumbnail&quot;,&#xD;&#xA;    &quot;width&quot;: 50,&#xD;&#xA;    &quot;height&quot;: 50&#xD;&#xA;  },&#xD;&#xA;  {&#xD;&#xA;    &quot;width&quot;: 400,&#xD;&#xA;    &quot;height&quot;: 200,&#xD;&#xA;    &quot;alias&quot;: &quot;relatedPost&quot;&#xD;&#xA;  },&#xD;&#xA;  {&#xD;&#xA;    &quot;alias&quot;: &quot;postHeader&quot;,&#xD;&#xA;    &quot;width&quot;: 1600,&#xD;&#xA;    &quot;height&quot;: 400&#xD;&#xA;  }&#xD;&#xA;]" Alias="crops" SortOrder="0" />

So this should be updating the PreValue of the DataType but it doesn't?

Correct. The values remain unchanged.

I've created a test that replicates it and am looking into it. My guess is that Umbraco is being non-destructive on the import process so I'll have to manually import the PreValue.

The pre-release package 1.3.0-pre-value--171 fixed this issue. Thanks!