
Scraper for Gab.ai data.

Primary LanguagePython


To readers checking this -- this scraper was written at a time where Gab used non-sparse sequential message IDs. When Gab switched to fediverse (e.g., being an implementation of Mastodon) as its backend, it switched to UUID-based message IDs. This scraper will no longer work. I have data from the first approxiamtely 8 million messages posted to Gab but have not yet made the data public at this time. This code is maintained for posterity but is no longer a viable approach to scrape Gab.

Gab Scraper

This code scrapes a range of post IDs from Gab.ai, given a user login. I wrote it as part of an upcoming investigation into elite message transmission and social network analysis of Gab.

Example data

cat REDACTED.json

"body":"Just picked up my new copy of #Pepe's newest best seller!  Can't wait to read it!\n\nhttps:\/\/i.sli.mg\/QdG2yn.png\n\n#Trump\n#MAGA",
"embed":{"html":"<a href=\"https:\/\/i.sli.mg\/QdG2yn.png\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"post__embed__body post__embed__body--photo\"><div class=\"post__embed__body__image\" style=\"background-image: url('https:\/\/ipr2.gab.ai\/9ab9fc66af8e49914d18ef9fd406d3059f647cb0\/68747470733a2f2f692e736c692e6d672f51644732796e2e706e67\/')\"><\/div><\/a>",

Installation instructions

  1. Install Python mechanize module and html5lib module: pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Rename auth_blank.json to auth.json and provide user credentials.
  3. python scrape_posts.py min_id max_id to scrape posts
  4. python scrape_users.py to scrape users
  5. (NOT IMPLEMENTED) python spider_post_users.py to spider usernames for scraping from the posts you've scraped.
  6. python spider_users.py to spider additional users for scraping.

Default ID range for posts is 1-10,000.

Denial of service note

Although the code inserts pauses between each scrape and I haven't personally run into any resource limits, it's theoretically possible that something like this exhaust server resources and cause problems for the administrators of Gab.ai. Please use responsibly. The script will shut down if it receives a 429 status code from Gab.

Code Style Guide

pylint settings are contained in .pylintrc.

pep8 settings are as follows: pep8 --ignore W191,E101,E111,E501,E128


Please feel free to open a pull request.