
List of resources to share with infosec friends/fiends


List of resources to share with infosec friends/fiends


  1. E-Learning
  2. Books
  3. Frameworks and Concepts
  4. Research
  5. Podcasts
  6. Conferences
  7. Meetups
  8. Spaces and Orgs
  9. News/Newsletters
  10. Twitter Lists
  11. Hiring



Frameworks and Concepts

  • OWASP Foundation - Web Apps remain one of the most common attack surfaces out there. Be sure to know the top 10 affecting risks.
  • Kill chain - A concept appropriated from military research intended to stratify the stages of an attack.
  • MITRE ATT&CK® - Expanding greatly upon the killchain, ATT&CK is a taxonomy for threat behavior and malicious behavior.
  • Cyber threat hunting - proactive cyber defense operations intended to identify and remediate risks before they're a problem.
  • Dwell Time - Metric to capture how long between discovery and remediation did a defensive cyber team "dwell" on the incident. "Mean Dwell Time" is often a metric used by Security Operations Center (SOC) managers to measure the capability of their team to triage incidents.
  • Social Engineering - social and psychological manipulation with the intent of getting a victim to divulge secrets. Often used in cyberattacks.
  • Cyber Threat Intelligence - Intelligence capabilities applied towards the mission of countering cyber threats. May include collections, analysis, engineering, human intelligence, signals intelligence, OSINT, and more.
  • The self-taught UI/UX designer roadmap in 2021 [archive] - Excellent blog post covering major modern design concepts for SaaS apps.
  • Lance James - Advanced Persistent Marketing: Demystifying APT's and Cyber Attacks - One of my favorite talks about threat intelligence.
  • TR17 - Surprise Bitches! - The Grugq - Good talk on the convergence of cyber threat intelligence and the conventional intelligence lifecycle
  • Intelligence Communities in Collision - JD Work - Another great talk on where cyber threat intelligence collides with conventional intelligence.


Cool research to understand.



  • DEFCON (Las Vegas) - it's the biggest hacker conference in the world and many people make a point of being there IRL every year. Definitely go.
  • The Diana Initiative (Las Vegas, virtual) - a conference that puts a priority on historically underserved communities within infosec.
  • Botconf (France) - highly technical conference with excellent rewview of threat research, particularly around cybercrime.
  • Kaspersky Security Analyst Summit (SAS) (Global) - popular conference with the global researcher community
  • ShmooCon (Washington D.C.) - all around good hacker con perfectly sized for good talks, workshops, and conversations.
  • CyberWarCon (Washington D.C.) - one-day conference with focus on cyber warfare, policy, state-sponsored cyber capabilities, and elections integrity.
  • REcon (Montreal) - Highly technical conference with a focus on reverse engineering.
  • SummerCon (NYC) - The longest running hacker conference in the USA.
  • HushCon (NYC, Seattle) - a well-run, intentionally intimate conference that spans both US coasts.


  • Security BSides (Global) - A federation of security conferences and meetups that pop up in cities across the globe.
  • NYSEC (NYC) - long-running NYC monthly hacker meetup.
  • Empire Hacking (NYC) - bi-monthly meetup with a focus on security research.
  • NCC Group Security Open Forum (NYC) - semi-frequent meetup with a focus on security research.

Spaces and Orgs

  • Hackerspaces.org (Global) - comprehensive community collection of hackerspaces all over the world.
  • NYC Resistor (NYC) - longtime hackerspace in NYC.
  • Wonderville (NYC) - a space filled with DIY and india arcade games that supports hacker and community tech causes.
  • Babycastles (NYC) - art and tech collective in NYC.
  • HackerDojo (SF Bay Area) - hackerspace and co-working space for hackers and makers.
  • DNA Lounge (SF Bay Area) - hacker-run nightclub.
  • c-base (Berlin) - legendary hackerspace.
  • Paralelni Polis (Prague) - a cryptoanarchy space that plays host to hackers, tech skeptics, and decentralization proponents.
  • Rancho Electronico (CDMX) - hackerspace in Mexico City with many community programs.


Twitter Lists
