Rich Python code snippets.
pip install jewel
> jewel -m rich.print -th dracula
💎 Saved SVG to jewel.svg!
> jewel -i jewel/ -l 81 101 -o file_input.svg
💎 Saved SVG to file_input.svg!
> jewel -h
usage: jewel [-h] (-i PATH | -m MEMBER) [-l START END] [-g] [-n] [-nd] [-th THEME] [-na] [-nt] [-o PATH] [-t TITLE] [-w WIDTH]
Rich Python code snippets.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i PATH, --input PATH
The Python file to use.
-m MEMBER, --member MEMBER
The member to use.
The line range to use.
code options:
-g, --guides Include indent guides.
-n, --numbers Include line numbers.
-nd, --no-docs Remove member docstring.
-th THEME, --theme THEME
The syntax theme to use.
svg options:
-na, --no-after No terminal:after gradient.
-nt, --no-traffic-lights
No traffic lights.
-o PATH, --output PATH
Where to save the SVG.
-t TITLE, --title TITLE
A title for the snippet.
-w WIDTH, --width WIDTH
The width of the snippet.