
Primary LanguageShellMIT No AttributionMIT-0

AWS RoboMaker Sample Application - Hello World

This demonstrates the structure of a ROS project that works with RoboMaker by creating a robot spinning in an empty world.

RoboMaker sample applications include third-party software licensed under open-source licenses and is provided for demonstration purposes only. Incorporation or use of RoboMaker sample applications in connection with your production workloads or a commercial products or devices may affect your legal rights or obligations under the applicable open-source licenses. Source code information can be found here.

Installing Requirements

The following will be installed:

  • Colcon - Used for building and bundling the application.
  • vcstool - Used to pull in sample app dependencies that are only available from source, not from apt or pip.
  • rosdep - rosdep is a command-line tool for installing system dependencies of ROS packages.
  • ROS Melodic - Other versions may work, however they have not been tested. ROS installation will be skipped if a ROS distro is already installed.
source scripts/setup.sh


  • Robot Application
cd robot_ws
colcon build
  • Simulation Application
cd simulation_ws
colcon build


The TURTLEBOT3_MODEL environment variable is optional when running both robot and simulation application. Default value is waffle_pi. Valid values are burger, waffle, and waffle_pi. Set it by

export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=<robot-model>

Launch the application with the following commands:

  • Running Robot Application on a Robot

    source robot_ws/install/local_setup.sh
    roslaunch hello_world_robot deploy_rotate.launch
  • Running Robot Application in a Simulation

    source robot_ws/install/local_setup.sh
    roslaunch hello_world_robot rotate.launch
  • Running Simulation Application

    source simulation_ws/install/local_setup.sh
    roslaunch hello_world_simulation empty_world.launch

Note that when running robot applications on a robot, use_sim_time should be set to false (which is the default value in deploy_rotate.launch.py). When running robot applications along with simulation applications, use_sim_time should be set to true for both applications (which is the default value in both rotate.launch.py and empty_word.launch.py).

When running simulation applications, run command with gui:=true to run gazebo client for visualization

Run with a WorldForge world

After exporting a world from WorldForge, we can unzip the content and move under simulation_ws package:

unzip exported_world.zip
mv aws_robomaker_worldforge_pkgs simulation_ws/src/

Build it again

cd simulation_ws
colcon build

Launch the application with the following commands:

source simulation_ws/install/local_setup.sh
roslaunch hello_world_simulation worldforge_world.launch

By default, WorldForge packages will load the exported world. To override, specify the environment variable WORLD_ID.

# use worldId found in "src/aws_robomaker_worldforge_worlds/worlds"
# e.g, generation_05wq8sybdcn2_world_1
export WORLD_ID=<worldId>  

Using this sample with RoboMaker

You first need to install colcon-ros-bundle. Python 3.5 or above is required.

pip3 install -U setuptools
pip3 install colcon-ros-bundle

After colcon-ros-bundle is installed you need to build your robot or simulation, then you can bundle with:

# Bundling Robot Application
cd robot_ws
source install/local_setup.sh
colcon bundle

# Bundling Simulation Application
cd simulation_ws
source install/local_setup.sh
colcon bundle

This produces the artifacts robot_ws/bundle/output.tar and simulation_ws/bundle/output.tar respectively. You'll need to upload these to an s3 bucket, then you can use these files to create a robot application, create a simulation application, and create a simulation job in RoboMaker.

ROS Nodes launched by this Sample

Nodes created by this sample


ROS Topics used by this Sample



MIT-0 - See LICENSE for further information

How to Contribute

Create issues and pull requests against this Repository on Github