This is a starter kit for making an academic webpage using github pages. It is based on my personal website, hosted at

Feel free to fork this project in order to get your own site going (I have a blog post that should help you get started), but please note the license (below). Also note that the setup has recently changed - the site now relies on jekyll's themes engine. The default theme is minima (and, as of this writing, that's the only one available). Here's a link to a list of supported themes.

Here's a list of things you'll probably want to do right away:

  • Change the personal information in the _config.yml file (name, email, description, etc)
  • Update the file to whatever you want. This is the "homepage" for your website.
  • Create whatever subpages you want. I've included as an example template. So that would be served at
    • These pages will automatically appear in the site's header at the top

That's probably enough to get started right away. Feel free to contact me with any questions you have!

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.