
This server provides Enduser Monitoring data by using the OpenCensus toolkit.


The inspectit-ocelot server offers a backend for Javascript monitoring with Boomerang. Boomerang is a Javascript metrics agent, which is able to capture arbitrary customizable metrics. By injecting the following snipped in your webpage, all measured metrics are sent to the inspectit-ocelot-eum-server:

<script src="boomerang-1.0.0.min.js"></script>
 <script src="plugins/rt.js"></script>
 <!-- any other plugins you want to include -->
     beacon_url: "http://[inspectit-eum-server-url]:8080/beacon/"

Boomerang recommends to use an advanced injection, where the boomerang agent is loaded in an asynchronous way. For further information, please visit the Boomerang documentation.

If enabled, the server exposes the metrics by using the Prometheus exporter. A tutorial on how to install Prometheus can be found here.

Server Setup

Before starting the server, please build the server by cloning the repository and executing the following command or download the latest release.

$ ./gradlew build

Start the server with the following command:

$ java -jar inspectit-ocelot-eum-{version}.jar

By default, the server is starting with the port 8080. You can simply configure the port by using the Java property -Dserver.port=[port]:

$ java -Dserver.port=[port] -jar inspectit-ocelot-eum-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Our server is delivered with a default configuration supporting the metrics t_page, t_done, rt.tstart, rt.nstart and rt.end of the Boomerang plugin RT. In order to provide a custom configuration, please set the Java property -Dspring.config.location=file:[path-to-config]:

$ java -Dserver.port=[port] -Dspring.config.location=file:[path-to-config] -jar inspectit-ocelot-eum-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar


The configuration file defines the mapping between the concrete Boomerang metric and a OpenCensus metric, as the following sample configuration file shows:

      measure-type: LONG
      beacon-field: t_page
      unit: ms
        '[page_ready_time/SUM]': {aggregation: SUM}
        '[page_ready_time/COUNT]': {aggregation: COUNT}
      measure-type: LONG
      beacon-field: t_done
      unit: ms
        '[load_time/SUM]': {aggregation: SUM}
        '[load_time/COUNT]': {aggregation: COUNT}

      measure-type: LONG
      beacon-field: rt.tstart
      unit: ms

      measure-type: LONG
      beacon-field: rt.nstart
      unit: ms

      measure-type: LONG
      beacon-field: rt.end
      unit: ms
          aggregation: LAST_VALUE
          tags: {APPLICATION : true}
      APPLICATION: my-application
      URL: u
      OS: ua.plt
      - URL
      - OS
        enabled: true
        host: localhost
        port: 8888
Metrics Definition

A metric is defined through the following attributes:

  • name: Defines the name of the metric. The name of the exposed view will have the used aggregation as suffix.
  • measure-type: Can be either LONG or DOUBLE.
  • beacon-field: The beacon key name, which is used as source of metric.
  • description: Optional. Defines an additional description of the exposed metric.
  • unit: The unit of the metric.
  • tag-keys: Optional. Defines a list of tag keys, which are exposed with the current metric.
  • views: A list of the views, which should be exposed. The aggregation can be either SUM, COUNT, LAST_VALUE or HISTORGRAM. For using HISTOGRAM, the field bucket-boundaries is mandatory.
  • bucket-boundaries: Used for the HISTOGRAM aggregation, defines the bucket boundaries as list of Doubles.
Tags Definition

We distinguish between to different types of tags:

  • extra- tags: Extra tags define tags, which are manually set in the configuration. The field extra holds a list of key-value mappings.
  • beacon- tags: Beacon tags define tags, whose tag value is resolved by a beacon entry. The defined value of the beacon map will be resolved by using the provided beacon. In order to provide selected tags to each measurement by default, tags can be defined as global. global holds a list of already defined tags, which will be then exposed for each measurement.
Automated Geolocation Detection

By using the tag COUNTRY_CODE, the geolocation of the requester is resolved by using the requester IP and the GeoLite2 database. If the IP cannot be resolved, the tag value will be empty.


By now, the prometheus exporter is available. If ènabled is set to true, the exporter is exposes the metrics under
