
Terraform managed API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB serving web app

Primary LanguageHCL

Terraform managed API Gateway, Lambda, and DynamoDB

Used as boilerplate code to scaffold out a small serverless AWS application using Terraform which produces API Gateway routes, Lambda functions, and a DynamoDB table - includes correlating CloudWatch Logs.
Video Tutorial

NOTE - Creating this infrastructure may cause you to incur costs. Reference AWS pricing for more info.


1.) You'll need an AWS account.

2.) Create an S3 bucket in your AWS account and replace the api-gateway-lambda-dynamodb bucket name in main.tf with your bucket name.

3.) us-west-1 is hard coded in main.tf. If you're deploying this app to another region you need to update the region in main.tf.

4.) GitHub Actions Secrets:

5.) AWS IAM user permissions required:

Can optionally be used with a domain name in a Hosted Zone in AWS Route 53. If you're using this repo with a domain name, rename the domain.tf.txt file to domain.tf so it's included when running the terraform apply command.

How to import and existing Route 53 Zone

Run terraform import aws_route53_zone.primary YOUR_ROUTE_53_ZONE_ID (Replace YOUR_ROUTE_53_ZONE_ID with your Route 53 Hosted Zone ID).

Renaming App Name

To support multiple deployments of this code (or a fork of this code) to AWS, I have littered the code with the label yourapp to support multiple functions, roles, and policies within the same AWS Account. Replace yourapp with your desired project name so you have the ability to deploy multiple versions (modified or not) of this repo within your AWS Account.


This repo demonstrates multiple ways of serving content from Lambda, some of which may be considered unconventional (serving HTML files from Lambda). This is for simplification purposes minimizing the need for mulitple sub-domains (www.yourdomainname.com and api.yourdomainname.com) to serve static assets from one subdowmain using a CloudFront distrubution backed by and S3 bucket, and the other from API Gateway and Lambda.