update: If you have downloaded the dataset before 3/29, you should go to the link and download the 'front' part.
Read carefully and edit your own config.py(just a litter difference between the former version which point out the position of the front part data).
When you run the test, I add a parameter to determine test on which direction('ego' or 'front').
- numpy
- pytorch >=1.1.0
- tensorboard
- matplotlib
- Pillow
If any other package is missed, just run "pip install xxx" to get it.
I build the project under ubuntu16.04, cuda 8.0
clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/liwenssss/HandSeg.git
cd HandSeg
edit the congif.py:
CHECKPOINT_EGO = '/path/to/the/code/HandsSeg/checkpoints/seg_hand_ego.pth'
CHECKPOINT_FRONT = '/path/to/the/code/HandsSeg/checkpoints/seg_hand_front.pth'
download the data from : https://pan.baidu.com/s/1BSQvR_dZpz7-EY_fI-uvvg ,extract code:or0i
If the link is missed, please contact me via email.
I strongly suggest you open a vip service when you download the data if you find the download speed is slow which will save you time.
After you finished the download step, modify the config.py:
HAND_SEG_EGO_DATA_PATH = '/path/to/the/dataset/paintedHands/ego'
HAND_SEG_FRONT_DATA_PATH = '/path/to/the/dataset/paintedHands/front'
Then, run:
cd dataset
python generate_data.py --direction "ego"
python generate_data.py --direction "front"
cd ..
It will generate 4 npz file under ./dataset:
- ego_train.py
- ego_test.py
- front_train.py
- front_test.py
Modify the config.py again:
TMP_HAND_SEG_EGO_DATA = '/path/to/the/code/HandsSeg/dataset/ego_train.npz'
TMP_HAND_SEG_EGO_TEST_DATA = '/path/to/the/code/HandsSeg/dataset/ego_test.npz'
TMP_HAND_SEG_FRONT_DATA = '/path/to/the/code/HandsSeg/dataset/front_train.npz'
TMP_HAND_SEG_FRONT_TEST_DATA = '/path/to/the/code/HandsSeg/dataset/front_test.npz'
You can use the terminal satisfied the requirements to run the following test demo, but I still suggest you using an IDE such as pycharm. All the following test is ok under pycharm.
The following test include 'ego' view and 'front' view:
python test_example.py --direction "ego"
python test_example.py --direction "front"
it will show the input depth image as well as the predict label.
- if you want to see the visual results , run:
python test_dataset.py --mode "show" --direction "ego"
python test_dataset.py --mode "show" --direction "front"
- if you want to save the predicted label, run:
python test_dataset.py --mode "save" --direction "ego"
python test_dataset.py --mode "save" --direction "front"
it will take about 1 hour, the saved images are like this:
from left to right: rgb image, depth image, my synthesis depth image with environmental information, predict label and ground truth label. I use the synthesis depth image as input and output the predict label.
- if you want to get the mIou score, run:
python test_dataset.py --mode "miou" --direction "ego"
python test_dataset.py --mode "miou" --direction "front"
it will take about 1 hour. In my experiment, the final mIou score of ego view is 0.867 and the final mIou score of front view is 0.868.
But we can see that when two hands interact completely, especially when one hand overlay another hand, the predict result is not good:
some results in front view: