
Parallel fold map with error accumulation semantics

Primary LanguageScala

A simple library to do a parallel foldMap/map-reduce over multiple cores with error accumulation semantics. The only dependency it has is on ScalaTest for the tests. The AsyncFunSuite is particularly helpful in testing asynchronous code that uses Futures.

How it works

This tutorial explains how to fold a generic type with the Foldable and Monoid type classes:


To execute a parallel foldMap, we first divide the Foldable into chunks equal to the number of cores on the machine using the Chunkable type class. We then execute foldMap on each chunk in parallel using Futures and the Implicit global Execution Context. If atlease one Future fails, we accumulate errors across all Futures. If all Futures are successful, we fold over the values returned by each Future to arrive at our output. I wrote a blog post explaining how error accumulation from a collection of Futures works:


Thus, parallelFoldMap returns either a List of errors or the result.

trait Foldable[F[_]] {

final def parallelFoldMap[A, B: Monoid](fa: F[A])(func: A => B)(implicit chunkable: Chunkable[F]):
  Future[Either[List[Result], B]]

Type classes and instances included in the library

The following type classes:

  • Monoid
  • Foldable
  • Chunkable

and the following type class instances :

  • A Monoid to merge two sorted IndexedSeqs
  • A Monoid to merge two Maps provided there exists a Monoid to merge their values
  • A Monoid to merge two IndexedSeqs
  • A Foldable for IndexedSeq
  • Integer addition Monoid
  • A Chunkable for IndexedSeq

are already provided in the library.

I implemented my own type classes and instances to get a better understanding of how they work. Some examples on how to use the library can be found in the exampleapps package.

Please feel free to add your type classes/instances and examples.