
Elixir bindings for Razorpay API

Primary LanguageElixirISC LicenseISC

Razorpay Elixir

An elixir library for working with Razorpay.


First, add Razorpay to your mix.exs dependencies:

def deps do
  [{:razorpay, "~> 0.5.0"}]

Then, update your dependencies:

$ mix deps.get

After you've installed the dependency, you need to configure razorpay key_id and key_secret either via config.exs like:

config :razorpay,
  key_id: "your_rzp_key_id",
  key_secret: "your_rzp_key_secret"



Check everything's working.

iex> Razorpay.make_test_request
{:ok, %{message: "Welcome to Razorpay API."}}


iex> Razorpay.Payment.get "payment_id"
 %Razorpay.Payment{amount: 5000, amount_refunded: 0,
  contact: "+919123456789", created_at: 1471942604, currency: "INR",
  description: "Test", email: "test@test.com", error_code: nil,
  error_description: nil, fee: 0, id: "payment_id",
  method: "netbanking", notes: [], refund_status: "partial", service_tax: 0,
  status: "authorized"}}

iex> Razorpay.Payment.capture "payment_id", 5000
 %Razorpay.Payment{amount: 5000, amount_refunded: 0, contact: "+919123456789",
  created_at: 1471942604, currency: "INR", description: "Test",
  email: "test@test.com", error_code: nil, error_description: nil, fee: 144,
  id: "payment_id", method: "netbanking", notes: [], refund_status: nil,
  service_tax: 19, status: "captured"}}

You can pass in the id or the %Razorpay.Payment{} as the first argument. This applies to other entities too.

All the entities follow the same API as mentioned above. As a general rule of thumb, the arity of each function will be equal to the number of required fields for that call. Consult the official docs for required fields.


  • Currently supports all endpoints that are described in the official documentaion. The Orders API is not documented yet, and thus have not been implemented.
  • This library is not officially supported by Razorpay, but is well typed and tested.
  • The /payments/:id/refunds endpoint as described in the docs, support options to be passed, but doesn't work. That particular test has been disabled for now.

If anyone from Razorpay sees this, please get in touch with me.