This is an implementation of a CNN (Convolutional neural network) to classify hand written digits from the MNIST dataset in pytorch
This project also contains code to serve the model in simple API built using flask and python
This project was made for learning purposes and to explore CNN's and image classification, I am only learning so there things that can be done in a better way please feel free to leave an issue with any suggestions
- pytorch for Machine Learning
- Flask for the backend
- PIL (Python Imaging Library) for reading in images
In order to create this application I followed along with
- This Tutorial on YouTube by FreeCodeCamp about Deep learning in pytorch
- This Tutorial on YouTube by Python Engineer about deploying a pytorch model with a flask API
In order to use this project locally you will need to have python installed, which you can download from Here
After downloading and installing python you need to set up a virtual environment on your machine
For windows users:
python -m venv [Name]
For Mac users:
python3 -m venv [Name]
where Name is the name of the environment
Unfortunately I haven't used a linux system 😢
Go into the environment
This is same for Mac and Windows
cd [Name]
Inside this directory there should be a folder called "venv"
the next step is to clone the project from GitHub
In order to run the program activate the virtual environment, you can activate the environment using
source venv/bin/activate
your terminal or command prompt should show a
in front
then you need to install the dependencies for the project
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
now you can run the script
cd app
run.bat is a small script to set the environment variables for flask and start up the backend is same as run.bat for mac
On Mac this process is a tiny bit more complicated
cd app
chmod +x
and a server should be up and listening on localhost port 5000
- Accept base64 images
- Add a some front end for the project
- Deploy it on either Heroku or Azure (TBD)