The One-stop Shopping Destination. E-commerce wesite that offers the most comprehensive shopping experience on the web
- Role Based Access (Users/ Sellers/ Admin)
- Users :
- All products
- Add to cart
- Add to wishlist
- Recent/ All orders
- Sellers :
- CRUD (Create, Read, Update, , Delete) operations on products , brands, seller profile.
- All orders for seller by user
- See monthly revenue.
- Admin :
- Revoke users, selllers, brands, products.
- See all users, products, sellers
- Users :
- JWT Tokening
- JWT (users, seller, admin) verify for data access routes.
- Token and Refresh Token management for session management.
- Lokesh Choudhary
- Aryan Sinha
- Utkarsh
- Sunil Ingole
- Nishant
GET /api/users
GET /api/products
GET /api/products/${id}
DELETE /api/products/${id}
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