searchbox is a lightweight search framework built on redis.
- JDK 1.8.X
- Maven 3.3.X
- Redis 2.6.X
See the Wiki for full documentation, examples, operational details and other information.
- Download the dependency then Install dependency by using mvn install
- Add searchbox dependency into your project
- Download the movies-search-app application from GitHub
- Build the application using mvn package
- Run the application using java -jar target\movies-search-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Consume web app from localhost:1028
public class App
public static void main( String[] args )
{, args);
- You can easily integrate searchbox with your Spring application by using @EnableSearchBox annotation.
- Add some properties into ../src/main/resources/ or ../src/main/resources/application.yml
- appname is a required property. It is used to identify individual applications.
searchbox.appname = movies-search-app
- Some of the optional properties. = # Search result page size. Default value is 10 = # Http server host. Default value is localhost
server.port = # Http server port. Default value is 1028 = # Redis server host. Default value is localhost
redis.port = # Redis server port. Default value is 6379
public class Movie {
private int id;
private String title;
private String director;
private int duration;
- @Id annotation is used to mention identity field of the model. Each model has a unique id.
- @Index annotation is used to mention index fields of the model. Searching is perform only for index fields.
public class MovieController {
private SearchBoxOperations searchBoxOperations;
<T> void insert(T object) throws SearchBoxOperationsException
<T> void update(T object) throws SearchBoxOperationsException
<T> void save(T object) throws SearchBoxOperationsException
- insert Check id is exists. Not allow for duplicate ids.
- update Check id is exists. Then modify perticular model. Otherwise raised Id is not found exception.
- save Check id is exists. If Id is exists update the model. Otherwise insert a new model.
<T> SearchResult<T> searchByField(Class<T> cls, String field, Object searchValue, Page page) throws SearchBoxOperationsException;
- example
searchBoxOperations.searchByField(Movie.class, "id", id)
<T> SearchResult<T> searchByFieldPerfix(Class<T> cls, String field, Object searchPrefix, Page page, boolean allWords) throws SearchBoxOperationsException;
- example
searchBoxOperations.searchByFieldPerfix(Movie.class, "title", "av")
=> ["Avatar", "Avengers", ...]
<T> SearchResult<T> searchByFieldPattern(Class<T> cls, String field, String pattern, Page page) throws SearchBoxOperationsException;
- example
searchBoxOperations.searchByFieldPattern(Movie.class, "title", "*nic")
=> ["Titanic", ...]
<T> SearchResult<T> search(Class<T> cls, Query query, Page page) throws SearchBoxOperationsException;
- you can query your data with Criteria Api
- example, new Query(Criteria.where("id").is(7)))
public class QueryFunctions {
public QueryHolder query1() throws Exception{
Criteria c = Criteria
Query query = new Query(c);
return new QueryHolder(Movie.class, query);
QueryFunctions are used PlaceHolders with '@' prefix to pass runtime values into query. Ex: @parm_key, @parm_value
Calling QueryFunctions by using SearchBoxOperations.
<T> SearchResult<T> search(String queryName, Map<String, Object> inputParms, Page page) throws SearchBoxOperationsException;
- example
String queryName = "query1";
Map<String, Object> parms = new HashMap<>();
parms.put("parm_key", "title");
parms.put("parm_value", "Avatar");"query1", parms);
- Tharanga Thennakoon -
- This project is licensed under the Apache Licensed V2