To run this project you may use below command:
docker-compose up --build
Above command will build:
- MySQL docker
- Golang docker
Wait until golang docker finish:
- Download all dependencies
- Run database schema migration
- Data seeder
And shown below output on terminal:
golang_service | [GIN-debug] POST /v1/taxes --> _/my_app/controllers.(*V1TaxesController).CalculateTax-fm (4 handlers)
golang_service | [GIN-debug] POST /v1/taxes/bulk --> _/my_app/controllers.(*V1TaxesController).CalculateTaxBulk-fm (4 handlers)
golang_service |
golang_service | [GIN-debug] Listening and serving HTTP on
Project URL should be: localhost:3000
Endpoint documentation can be accessed via this url: