
This is a course project in the Data Science course(Getting and Cleaning Data, Week 4) by Johns Hopkins University

Primary LanguageR

# Getting-and-Cleaning-Data-Week-4-CourseProject

This repo was created to finish the assignment for week 4 of Getting and Cleaning Data Coursera course.
* First, download and unzip the data file into your R working directory.
* Second, download the R source script into your R working directory.
* Finally, execute R source script to generate tidy data file.

### Data description
The X data set contain the signals and readings from the wearable while the Y data set contains the activity type performed by the people in the test

### How does the R Script works 
Firstly the test and train sets work combined in both the X and Y data sets, after that the completed Y and X data sets were binded by row.
After that the columns were extracted where the values were estimated by the mean and standard deviation
After that descriptive activities name were used to name the activities in the complete Y data set
After that X total dataset was labelled with col names which were evaluated results of mean and sd
finally a tidy data set was created by grouping the dataset activity labels by the subject and a col for the average of the activity label per person was added

### New dataset
The new generated dataset contained variables calculated based on the mean and standard deviation. Each row of the dataset is an average of each activity type for all subjects.

### The code was written based on the instruction of this assignment