Fluid Project Website

This repository contains the files needed to build a copy of the Fluid Project website.

This is not an immediately deployable version of the website - docpad is used to build the site from source files.

To Build Locally

  1. Install DocPad if it isn't already installed: sudo npm install -g docpad

  2. Get the required node modules: npm install

  3. Edit docpad.coffee URL value to reflect your target URL (with no trailing slash). The default value is http://localhost:9778. For local testing and development, you should keep this default value.

  4. Run docpad from the fluid-website directory docpad run.

  5. Open http://localhost:9778/ to see the website. Note: you must access the site through the URL defined in docpad.coffee at Step 3, or you will see a CORS error when loading the icon fonts.

To deploy to gh-pages:

  1. Start by working from a clone of the repository you want to deploy to. This step is important, otherwise your output may deploy to the wrong location.

  2. Change the url: value in the docpad.coffee to match your deployed gh-pages URL. If you intend to deploy to a custom domain, the URL value should match the target URL: url: "www.example.com" If deploying to gh-pages URL, the URL would look like this: url: "username.github.io/fluidproject.org"

  3. Deploy to gh-pages, run: docpad deploy-ghpages --env static. By doing this, docpad will generate the site to the remote gh-pages branch.

To deploy to a personal webserver

  1. Change the url: value in the docpad.coffee to match your deployed URL.
  2. Run: > docpad generate --env static
  3. Copy the contents of ./out/ directory to your server.


  • Modifications can be done to any source file or directory except for the contents of the out/ directory. The out directory and its contents are not to be versioned since it contains the generated output made by docpad from the source files and are overwritten.

  • The 404 error page will only appear when deployed to the root of a gh-pages domain or gh-pages custom domain. It will not appear when deployed locally or when deployed through a gh-pages (sub) project. To test the 404 error page, either load the 404.html directly in a browser, or deploy to the root of a gh-pages domain.

  • There are known issues regarding relative and absolute paths. See FLUID-5588 and FLUID-5570.

Plugins used

The following plugins are used in this website. They a provided here as a reference:


The Fluid Project website is available under Creative Commons Attribution License.