
Make your first Pull Request on Hacktoberfest 2023. Don't forget to spread love and if you like give us a ⭐️FlutterSnips is a platform where you can find already builded Widgets and Use them

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


HACKTOBERFEST ♥♥ This year we are opening this repo for hacktoberfest contributions.

Have fun contributing . Please read the Conrtibuting.md file.


This platform is created , so as to make a huge library of already builded code , that developers can directly use in their flutter project.

  • It will decrease the time to build the projects

  • Extensive Code Library: Access a vast collection of pre-built code snippets covering a wide range of Flutter development scenarios and use cases.

  • Save Development Time: Speed up your development process by leveraging ready-to-use code solutions instead of building everything from scratch.

  • Easy Integration: Seamlessly integrate the code snippets into your Flutter projects with clear instructions and guidelines provided.

  • Search and Discover: Find the right code snippet quickly using powerful search functionality. Search by keywords, categories, or tags to locate relevant code for your specific needs.

  • High-Quality Code: Rest assured that all code snippets have undergone thorough testing and review processes to ensure reliability, efficiency, and adherence to best practices.

  • Open-Source: The platform is open-source, allowing developers to collaborate, contribute, and improve the code snippets for the benefit of the entire community.



🛠️ Installation Steps + CONTRIBUTION

  1. Open Terminal and Clone the Repo
  git clone https://github.com/dhruvpatidar359/Fluttersnips.git
  1. Cd Over
   cd fluttersnips
  1. Run Pub
   Flutter pub get
  1. Creating .env file in root directory set up your firebase for the flutter web app

FlutterSnips  (1)

For getting this you have to connect this app with your firebase flutter webapp :
1.1) Run the following commands or visit(https://firebase.google.com/docs/flutter/setup?platform=web)

firebase login
dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli
flutterfire configure

Create a project for your firebase

1.2) Enable firebase authentication there ( With google authentication )

  • There get the web - client - id copy it .


  • paste , it in the .env file

1.3 ) Enable firebase firestore
1.4 ) Create two collections there as - recents and users


1.5 ) If you want to enable google login in the webapp , then you have to enable your PEOPLE API from GCP(Google Cloud Platform) .


Steps : 1 ) Login to Google Cloud platform
2 ) Select your project
3 ) Go to API and Services
4 ) Search for People API
5 ) Enable It

  1. Run App
flutter run 

For Widget Code Contribution

FlutterSnips  (2)

Project Maintainers ❤️


Contributors 💘