A small project that uses Flickr API to search images based on the keyword.
- Clone the repo and run Flickr-Search-Project.xcodeproj
- No 3rd party Libraries Used.
- Create a Flickr API key and replace in line number 124 flickrKey with your own key in Flickr.swift
- Deployment target of your App is >= iOS 10.0
- XCode 9.3 or later
- Swift 4.0
Flickr API Documentation
Images are retrieved by hitting the Flickr API.
- Search Path:
Increase the per_page count to download more photos.
- Response includes an array of photo objects, each represented as:
"id": "23451156376",
"owner": "28017113@N08",
"secret": "8983a8ebc7",
"server": "578",
"farm": 1,
"title": "Merry Christmas!",
"ispublic": 1,
"isfriend": 0,
"isfamily": 0
Other Features that can be integrated in this project:
- Speech to text conversion in the Search bar
- Using some AI model, find images based on an image provided in the search bar instead of text.
- Caching of images
- Infinite Scrolling
- Sharing of images with friends on Social Media Platforms