
The dataset used to fine-tune the GPT-2 model used in Anees for the multi-turn dialogue generation.

Anees Dataset

The dataset used to fine-tune the GPT-2 model used in Anees for the multi-turn dialogue generation.


The dataset is a combination of 4 multi-turn dialogue datasets:

  • DailyDialog: a high-quality multi-turn open-domain English dialog dataset. On average there are around 8 speaker turns per dialogue with around 15 tokens per turn.
  • EmpatheticDialogues: a large-scale multi-turn empathetic dialogue dataset collected on Amazon Mechanical Turk, containing 24,850 one-to-one open-domain conversations.
  • Persona-Chat: crowd-sourced dialogues where each participant plays the part of an assigned persona; and each persona has a word-distinct paraphrase.
  • BlendedSkillTalk: an English-language dataset blending three conversation skills in balanced proportions (demonstrating knowledge, empathy, or ability to talk about oneself).


Dataset # of training dialogues # of training utterances # of validation dialogues # of validation utterances
DailyDialog 11150 87467 1968 15512
EmpatheticDialogues 19628 84674 3464 14912
Persona-Chat 16046 212873 2832 37788
BlendedSkillTalk 5786 76435 1022 13482
Total 52610 461449 9286 81694

Tokenization and Translation
