
SPA where you can search for song lyrics. Built using React Hooks, Context API, React Router, Font Awesome, and Bootstrap.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Lyricize Logo

Lyricize Any Track.

📝 Table of Contents

🧐 About

SPA where you can search for song lyrics. Built using React Hooks, Context API, React Router, Font Awesome, and Bootstrap.

🎥 Demo

GIF Demo Image Demo Image Demo Image Demo Image Demo

🏁 Install

  1. Install Node.js and Visual Studio Code.
  2. Open the folder in Visual Studio Code.
  3. Open a terminal (Terminal > New Terminal).
  4. Run yarn . If it failed for any reason, try again.
  5. Run yarn start .

Note: you can use npm. Then replace yarn with npm install and yarn start with npm start.

⛏️ Built Using