
Shopify's Fall 2021 Front-End Engineering Intern Application Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is my Shopify Front-End Engineering Intern project submission (Fall 2021): a webpage which searches OMDB for movies, and allows the user to save their favourite films they feel should be up for nomination (upcoming Shoppies Awards!)

Deployed On: http://time-to-nominate.herokuapp.com/

Note: The site may take some time to load due to Heroku free hosting

Table of Contents

  1. Quick Start
  2. Demo
  3. Tech Stack

Quick Start

There are two ways you can visit and interact with the website.

Option 1

Visit the deployed site (as mentioned above)

Option 2

Run the site locally (on your local machine)

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/aashrit-luthra/Time-To-Nominate.git
  2. In your Terminal, cd into this project folder
  3. Type and enter npm install (this installs the required dependencies)
  4. To run the project, type and enter npm run start (this will open the site running on your local machine automatically)


You will first be faced with a clean UI, showing you:

  • your nomination count on the top of the page
  • a search bar to search for your favourite movies
  • an area to show the search results

You can enter any search query in the search bar, which will then display the movie results (title, year, and poster) alongside a intuitive green button to nominate that movie

Clicking the green 'Nominate' button will add the movie to your nomination list. Observe how the button disables and turns grey once it is nominated

Once you nominate 5 movies (the maximum number), you will be alerted and informed:

Observe that all movie 'Nominate' buttons are disabled and greyed due to the limit of nominations being reached You can also remove nominations by clicking the red 'Remove' button.

Tech Stack

For this project, I leveraged:

  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Material UI
  • HTML
  • CSS