Engineer at heart with a keen interest in Artificial Intelligence and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).
Texas A&M UniversityCollege Station
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This project involved characterizing the reservoir into different electrofacies based on well log data using Principal Component Analysis and Unsupervised Learning (K-Means clustering)
Developed neural net using both keras library and sklearn library to predict the Estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) label from shale gas well completions data features
Using Principal cluster analysis (PCA) and Non-negative matrix(NMF) for dimensionality reduction on a completions dataset consisting of
Visualizing Gas prices with matplotlib
Used hierarchial clustering methods to perform unsupervised learning on GIP-EUR data to classify into cluster.
Performing K-means clustering on features consisting of geological data, along with optimal cluster number
Used K- nearest neighbours classifier with HR dataset as features to predict the chances of an employee quitting, and compared it with logistic regression
Performed linear regression on geologic data with appropriate visualization for viewing correlations between features to drop features for prediction
Performed logistic regression on human resource data to for binary classification to predict whether an employee will quit a job or continue to stay.
Predicted frac treatment pressure with using Long short team memory type RNN (Recurrent neural network) where I used past 60 seconds of data to predict the pressure at the next second
aashrith48's Repositories
Predicted frac treatment pressure with using Long short team memory type RNN (Recurrent neural network) where I used past 60 seconds of data to predict the pressure at the next second
Developed neural net using both keras library and sklearn library to predict the Estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) label from shale gas well completions data features
Used randomforest and decision tree regressor to predict Total Organic Content (TOC) from features consisting of geological data and compared the performance of both using R-squared method. (Coefficient of determination)
Used support vector machine regressor algorithm to predict 2 labels from geomechanical data features. Multioutput regressor was used to predict 2 labels instead of a single prediction
Used K- nearest neighbours classifier with HR dataset as features to predict the chances of an employee quitting, and compared it with logistic regression
Performed logistic regression on human resource data to for binary classification to predict whether an employee will quit a job or continue to stay.
Performing K-means clustering on features consisting of geological data, along with optimal cluster number
Performed linear regression on geologic data with appropriate visualization for viewing correlations between features to drop features for prediction
Used hierarchial clustering methods to perform unsupervised learning on GIP-EUR data to classify into cluster.
Using Principal cluster analysis (PCA) and Non-negative matrix(NMF) for dimensionality reduction on a completions dataset consisting of
Visualizing the completions data from a shale gas well using Plotly
Visualizing Gas prices with matplotlib
Predicted reservoir permeability from well log data by obtaining optimal transformations through application of multiple regression (Alternating Conditional Expectation) algorithm
Forecasted the fluid production from wells using historical time series data using time series analysis and Random Forest regression
This project involved characterizing the reservoir into different electrofacies based on well log data using Principal Component Analysis and Unsupervised Learning (K-Means clustering)