Simple Crud with Laravel,React and Redis

This is a simple Crud application build with Laravel, React, Redis and MySQL.It's a task based crud where new task can create and showing that the source either it's came from mysql database or redis.


1. Create new task with a title.
2. Show all the task list and also show it's source (database or redis?)
3. At first Data is stored in a MySQL database and cached in Redis for faster came.
4. When update a task then it delete the redis cache and the source will be database 
and that time the updated data store in cache , after refresh we see that the source 
will be redis  
5. After delete a task it delete from database and redis cache.

Technologies Used

1. Laravel: A php framework for create backend part
2. React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
3. Redis: An in-memory data store used for caching.
4. MySQL: A popular relational database management system.


  1. At first Download and Install redis on windows.

In "C" drive create a new folder name as "redis" and save the redis file here and then click "redis-server.exe" and "redis-cli.exe"

For testing in "redis-cli.exe" type PING if it back PONG then redis server is ok

Start redis server : click "redis-server.exe" file

Start XAMPP/WAMP server

  1. Clone this repository.
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
e.g. cd laravel-redis-react-crud
  1. Install dependencies for the backend and frontend:
cd laravel-redis-crud

Install redis package in laravel

composer require predis/predis

In .env file set "REDIS_CLIENT=predis" above the given code


Run migration

php artisan migrate

Run backend server

php artisan serve

Now Change directory to frontend part and install dependencies

cd react-frontend
npm install
npm run dev

When the application start now you can access the application in your browser for frontend http://localhost:5173/ and Backend http://localhost:8000


To create a new task, enter the title in the input field and click the "Add Task" button.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

