Video Chat Application With Laravel

Project Setup

  1. Clone the repository.
    git clone

  2. Install dependencies
    composer install && npm install

  3. Create your env file from the example.
    cp env.example env

  4. Add your db details, pusher API keys and TURN SERVER credentials.

Running the Application

  1. php artisan serve to start the server and npm run start to start the frontend.
  2. Create some users using the register page.
  3. Log in with the users you created.
  4. Click the link that takes you to the video chat page for both logged in users
  5. Call a user which is indicated online and receive from the other.

Testing Video Call

  1. Visit Demo url:
  2. Login with these test accounts and test it
    email: password DY6m7feJtbnx3ud Me3tm5reQpWcn3Q

Incoming Call UI

Incoming Call

Video Chat Session

Video Chat