
From one office fan boi to another.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple Chat UI interface with ReactJS ⚛️

So the assignment was to build a simple chat UI with react to check responsiveness

Why not add a little twist to it😉.

So here i came up with Chatbot kinda thing. Without any 3rd party API's🚫 (coz imma too broke to buy tokens , lol)

I didnt want to have same old Yet Another Simple UI (YASU) with no extraazzzss⚡✨✨

Live link https://the-office-simplechatbot-37df.vercel.app/


Chat Simple UI interface

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Responsivness for 10+ devices

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Here unlike the regular ChatUI that doesnt involve a header or footer as it just has sender and reciver interface

Made a header footer to coz that is like ABC's of frontend dev. duh!


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Deployed on vercel
