
Python and Go Compilers for a subset of C

Primary LanguagePython

PyCC - Python Based C Compiler

GoCC - Go Based C Compiler

Given an input C language file, PyCC and GoCC will generate an assemble code (3 address code) which the gcc can assemble into an executable file.

Stage 1 - Running the Compilers:

Example C File : fib.c

A) To run GoCC: ./203cc.sh -l go fib.c

B) To run PyCC: ./203cc.sh -l python fib.c

Stage 2 - Linking

gcc -m32 fib.s -o fib

Stage 3 - Executing


Features Supported:

Functions: if, while.

Integer, character, true and false literals.

Operators:= , ||, &&, ==, !=, <, >=, +, -, *, ++, --, !, - (unary), [], ()

In Built functions : strlen, strcpy... fprintf, fputsf, puts....

Local and global variable parameters

String literals