
ArtFeast is a platform that bridges the gap between artists and art enthusiasts.


  • Post Upload: Artists can showcase their artwork by uploading posts.
  • Like and Comment: Users can interact with posts by liking and commenting, fostering a lively community.
  • Cart and Order: Art enthusiasts can add their favorite pieces to their cart and place orders seamlessly.
  • Augmented Reality (AR): Experience art in a new dimension with our AR feature. Point your device at a wall and see the artwork come to life.
  • Explore by Category: Navigate through various art categories such as Abstract, Oil Painting, Glass Painting, Pastel, Acrylic, and Realism.
  • Trending Artists: Discover trending artists, excluding those with zero followers, ensuring you see the most popular and engaging creators.
  • Image Management: Utilize Cloudinary for efficient image management.
  • Payment Processing: Seamless transactions through the Razor payment gateway.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: React Native
  • Backend: Node.js, MongoDB
  • Image Management: Cloudinary
  • Payment Gateway: Razorpay
  • AR: ViroReact


Clone the repository:

git clone

Install dependencies:

npm install

Start the development server:

npx react-native run-android

Follow the backend repository's instructions to set up the server and connect the frontend to the backend.

Running on a Physical Device

ArtFeast runs on physical devices only. Follow the React Native documentation to run the app on an Android device.

Demo Video

![ArtFeast Demo]