Meydit frontend

This is a web application where consumers can post tailoring jobs and tailors can view the jobs and send quotation requests.


Consumers can post tailoring jobs with detailed descriptions Tailors can view available jobs and filter them by location or job type Tailors can send quotation requests to the consumer for a specific job Consumers can view and respond to quotation requests from tailors Tailors can track the status of their quotation requests and jobs they have applied for

Technologies Used

React.js for the frontend Adonis for the backend MySql for the database

How to Use


Sign up for an account and log in. Click on the "Post a Job" button. Fill out the form with details about the tailoring job you need done. Click "Submit" to post the job.


Sign up for an account and log in. Browse the available jobs on the job board. Click on a job to view more details. Click "Send Quotation" to send a quotation request to the consumer for that job.