
Remote Lock assignment

Primary LanguageRuby

Ruby Code Exercise

Write an app that:

  • Read/parse people information represented in different formats

    Find a sample of each format in spec/fixtures

  • Combine the entries from the different formats

  • Sort the entries by first_name

  • Format each entry to <first_name>, <city>, <birth_date M/D/YYYY>

  • Write at least 2 specs, but no more than 5 - we don't expect 100% coverage


  • Create as many files/classes as you need
  • Use anything you need from Ruby standard library
  • Don't change files under spec/fixtures
  • Don't change the existing functional test at spec/functional/app_spec.rb
  • Don't use any gem to accomplish the solution
  • Don't worry about invalid input data (if your solution works for the sample data, that's what we need)

What we expect to see in your solution

  • Adherence to Ruby's conventions and idioms
  • Cleanliness/Clarity: Is the intent of the code obvious? Are things named appropriately? Please void overly clever solutions.
  • Consistent style: We don't expect you to follow a specific Ruby code style, but you should be consistent with your choice.
  • Elegant Object-oriented Design - please avoid imperative or functional coding style. Typically the good solutions will have at least two classes other than PeopleController
  • Maintainability: How flexible is the code?
  • Testability: Is it easy to test the code? Please demonstrate with unit tests.
  • Use DRY, KISS and SOLID responsibly to find the sweet spot between an under-engineering and over-engineering.


  1. Clone the repository, open this directory, and run bundle install

  2. Run bundle exec rspec

    Notice that there is one functional test failing

  3. Create a branch to work on the solution

  4. Write code and unit tests until the functional test at spec/functional/app_spec.rb becomes green

  5. Push your branch and create a pull request on GitHub