
Back-end project for Cab Booking System using Spring Boot

Primary LanguageJava


Back-end implementation of a Cab Booking System using Spring Boot


Implement a cab booking application. Below are the expected features from the system.

###Features: The application allows users to book rides on a route. Users can register themself and make changes to their details. Driving partner can onboard on the system with the vehicle details Users can search and select one from multiple available rides on a route with the same source and destination based on the nearest to the user


  1. Application should allow user onboarding. a. add_user(user_detail) i. Add basic user details b. update_user(username, updated_details) i. User should be able to update its contact details c. update_userLocation(username,Location): i.This will update the user location in X , Y coordinate to find nearest in future

  2. Application should allow Driver onboarding a. add_driver(driver_details,vehicle_details,current_location) i. This will create an instance of the driver and will mark his current location on the map b. update_driverLocation(driver_name) i. This will mark the current location of driver c. change_driver_status(driver_name,status) i. In this driver can make himself either available or unavailable via a boolean

  3. Application should allow the user to find a ride based on the criteria below a. find_ride (Username,Source , destination) i. It will return a list of available ride b. choose_ride(Username,drive_name) i. It will choose the drive name from the list Note : Only the driver which is at a max distance of 5 unit will be displayed to a user and the driver should be in available state to confirm the booking c. calculateBill(Username): i. It will return the bill based on the distance between the source and destination and will display it

  4. Application should at the end calculate the earning of all the driver onboarded in the application find_total_earning()

Other Notes:

  1. Write a driver class for demo purposes. Which will execute all the commands at one place in the code and have test cases.
  2. Do not use any database or NoSQL store, use in-memory data-structure for now.
  3. Do not create any UI for the application.
  4. Please prioritize code compilation, execution and completion.
  5. Work on the expected output first and then add bonus features of your own.

###Sample Test Cases:

  1. Onboard 3 users a. add_user(“Abhishek, M, 23”); update_userLocation(“Abhishek”,(0,0)) b. add_user(“Rahul , M, 29”); update_userLocation(“Rahul”,(10,0)) c. add_user(“Nandini, F, 22”) ;update_userLocation(“Nandini”,(15,6))

  2. Onboard 3 driver to the application a. add_driver(“Driver1, M, 22”,“Swift, KA-01-12345”,(10,1)) b. add_driver(“Driver2, M, 29”,“Swift, KA-01-12345”,(11,10)) c. add_driver(“Driver3, M, 24”,“Swift, KA-01-12345”,(5,3))

  3. User trying to get a ride a. find_ride(“Abhishek” ,(0,0),(20,1)) Output : No ride found [Since all the driver are more than 5 units away from user] b. find_ride(“Rahul” ,(10,0),(15,3)) Output : Driver1 [Available] choose_ride(“Rahul”,”Driver1”) Output : ride Started calculateBill(“Rahul”) Output : ride Ended bill amount $ 6 Backend API Call: update_userLocation(“Rahul”,(15,3)) update_driverLocation(“Driver1”,(15,3)) c. change_driver_status(“Driver1”,False) d. find_ride(“Nandini”,(15,6),(20,4)) Output : No ride found [Driver one in set to not available]

  4. Total earning by drivers a.find_total_earning() i. Driver1 earn $6 ii. Driver2 earn $0 iii. Driver3 earn $0