
Restful-APIs for expense tracking application with JWT security

Primary LanguageJava


Restful-APIs for expense tracking application with JWT security.

Springboot project to perform operations for expense tracking application.

  • Followed J2EE architectural design patterns and divided backend into resource, service and repository(dao) layer.
  • Enhanced security by avoiding taking userId from client instead set the attribute userId to HttpServletRequest during authentication for each request.
  • Implemented payload validation using spring-boot-starter-validation
  • Made custom DTO for validation, security and avoid circular dependency in DBMS.
  • Secured endpoints with JWT tokens.
  • Custom exception handling.
  • Used JDBC Template to execute native SQL queries on the MySQL database and defined ORM for specific use-cases.
  • Lombok to avoid boilerplate code for setter, getter, constructor and object initialization using Builder.
  • Made API collections and designed scripts in Postman for API testing.
  • Maven used for build automation and Git for source version control.

Project Directory


Database Schema a relative link

  • MySQL scripts is provided in ASSETS folder for quickly creating the database instance locally. User just need to run the script locally in MySQL console/workbench. Please configure the port as 3306 for database connection or provide the desired port in application.properties file spring.datasource.url peoperty.


Postman API Collections a relative link


  • Provided Postman API collection in ASSETS/ folder for testing the API locally. Note - There is no need to manually copy-paste JWT Token with each request for authentication as JS script is added in TESTS of Register/Login API which automatically fetch the TOKEN key in Postman environment and is being dynamically added as parameters in each request header. ## User just need to create an environment in Postman and you are Good to Go !!!


Technology Stack, Tools and Library

  • Java 1.8
  • SpringBoot
  • JDBC Template
  • MySQL
  • JWT Authentication
  • jBCrypt
  • Lombok
  • Maven
  • STS
  • Postman