1. Counter: A simple counter application that allows users to increment or decrement a numerical value. Useful for tracking counts or creating basic tally systems. Counter[https://github.com/Mohd-Aatif-Khan/JSprojects/tree/main/1.counter]

  2. Todo List: An interactive to-do list application that enables users to add, remove, and mark tasks as completed. Organize your daily tasks efficiently with this intuitive and user-friendly tool.

  3. Weather App: Get real-time weather updates with this application. Input your location, and receive information on current weather conditions, temperature, and forecasts, providing valuable insights for planning your day.

  4. Palindrome Checker: A handy tool to check if a given word, phrase, or sequence is a palindrome – a sequence that reads the same backward as forward. Ideal for educational purposes or enhancing your coding skills.

  5. Search Bar: Implement a search bar component to enhance the user experience in your application. Enable users to quickly find information within a dataset or navigate through your content effortlessly.

  6. Calculator: A basic calculator application that performs essential arithmetic operations. Perfect for quick calculations, solving mathematical problems, or integrating into other projects for numeric computations.