
A Nexmo based alert system for server or service status

Primary LanguagePHP

NexmoAlert is based on wonderful SMS API by Nemxo. It aims to provide a simple notification system based on this.

How to Use:
Edit these values:
	/* Defining Variables */
	$account_key="werwerwe"; //Nexmo API Key
	$account_password="23fer45rdf"; // Nexmo API Secret
	$alertto="+00000000";	//Number to Alert To
	$alertfrom="Server Status"; 
	$alerttext="Server $host is down at "; // We will concatenate date later
	$logfile="log.txt";			//This should be writable
	/* Stop Editing Here */
Add a cron job on frequency which will be useful. If yours is critical, I suggest you run this every 1 minute.
CLI version is provided however due to PHP memory management issues, it is not perfect.

This project was one of my projects when I first started using PHP. This should be considered abandoned.