
Preview Remote Zip Files - List ZIP archive's files without downloading the whole archive

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


List ZIP archive's files without downloading the whole archive. Useful for large ZIP archives ( < 4GB for now, doesn't support ZIP64)


  • Python 3
  • Web Server should support HTTP Range Request


List all files and directories in the archive

# python3 lszip.py http://example.com/zipfile.zip
0 : bios/
1 : bios/hello.txt 
2 : bios/hello2.txt
3 : tmp/
4 : tmp/bright.tmp
5 : newfile.txt 

Download hello.txt and bright.tmp

# python lszip.py --nolist --download 1,4 http://example.com/zipfile.zip

Download newfile.txt

# python lszip.py --nolist --download 5 http://example.com/zipfile.zip

Download directory tmp and all its contents

# python lszip.py --nolist --download 3 http://example.com/zipfile.zip

By default, this program will download files in current working directory but it will create folder trees if needed. This directory can be changed by using --cwd.


usage: lszip.py [-h] [--nolist] [--download DOWNLOAD] [--cwd CWD] url

positional arguments:
  url                  ZIP File's URL

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --nolist             Disable Listing of Files
  --download DOWNLOAD  List of Comma Separated IDs to download. IDs are listed
                       in listing mode.
  --cwd CWD            Set current working directory where downloads are done.
                       Defaults to current directory.

Expect bugs

Todo/Future Enhancements

  • Support ZIP64
  • Support Folder Download
  • More testing
  • Use temporary files rather than in-memory downloads
  • Selective Download


ZIP Archive Specification